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Với Thẻ TPBank Visa

Theo ý thích, khẳng định cá tính
Security regulations
In order to ensure customer information security, TPBank follows the following rules:
- Only require customer to provide information that is necessary for the financial needs and transaction between customers and the bank.
- Use customer’s information to provide better service quality and products.
- Customer’s information will not be given to other agencies unless being required by customers or the law.
- Customer’s information is kept accurately and up- to- date
- Use a high security system to prevent unauthorized people, even the bank’s personnel, to access to customer’s information.
- Individuals or third party who is authorized to access customer’s information are clearly required to comply with the security responsibility given by the bank.
Data security
All customers’ information on tpb.vn is protected under the bank standard:
- Guest: in the process of providing information, customers can be assured by our 12- bit Secure Socket Layer encoding technique.
- Server: is firewall- protected and is constantly checked by admin to prevent any unauthorized access. Customer’s account is encoded one way so that even the server admin could not trace customer’s password.
- When encountering security problems, customer has to contact the bank immediately to prevent further troubles.
Account security
- All account information interacting with tpb.vn system is through emails. Therefore, in order to secure information, customers should protect not only the server system but also their email information.
- Customers should not write account information down but to memorize it.
- TPBank never requires customers to provide account passwords to make sure only customers know the passwords. Do not set passwords that are easy to guess such as birthday, phone number or part of one’s name. If customers worry that the account information or code has lost or has been breached for a third party, therefore could arise unwanted transaction, they have the responsibility to contact TPBank immediately.
- Both the bank and customers are vital in preventing fraud. Customers are required to not revealing their account information to anyone else.
Cookies are part of data saved on the user’s hard disc, containing user’s information. The saving of information in cookies does not affect our personal information stored on our website. Using cookies makes it more convenient for the clients. For instance, by enabling cookies, clients do not have to fill the code at any time they log in, thus saving the time. If clients do not use cookies, they can still log onto our website, although some parts of the website will be limited, such as the clients cannot see their stats. Cookies also helps us know the clients’ interest in order to expand/ edit the website’s functions.
In all of our promotion programs (online, via telephone or at the branch), TPBank may collect information under the acceptance of the clients. The bank may use this information to consult about the products, services and other related marketing documents. Clients have the rights to receive these documents via email or handwritten mails, and to stop receiving emails on request.