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A series of leading technologies that guarantee TPBank's position as a top digital bank.


TPBank LiveBank 24/7, TPBank Mobile App, TPBank Biz digital banking app for businesses, the Bio Center biometric data system, along with a series of smart digital financial solutions, all help TPBank solidify its position as a leading digital bank, driving the strong transformation of digital technology in the banking industry.

TPBank named "Outstanding Digital Bank" for 2024 at the 2024 Vietnam Outstanding Banking Awards (VOBA).

TPBank receives a "shower" of awards thanks to its excellent digitalization strategy

Recently, at the annual Vietnam Digital Transformation Awards 2024 (VDA 2024), organized by the Vietnam Digital Communication Association (VDCA), TPBank was honored as an outstanding digital transformation enterprise with a series of digital solutions, including the TPBank App, LiveBank 24/7, TPBank Biz, and digital transformation applications for internal operations.

Earlier, at the Vietnam Outstanding Banking Awards 2024 (VOBA), organized by the International Data Group (IDG Vietnam), TPBank completely impressed the expert panel and was named "Outstanding Digital Bank" for 2024. The bank's deep understanding of customer needs is the foundation for TPBank’s success in developing leading and innovative digital financial products and services in the market.

At this year’s Sao Khuê Awards, TPBank was the only bank to win three awards related to digitalization. These included the "Digital Banking" award, the "Innovation" award for its online bid guarantee service

on the TPBank Biz platform, and the "Solutions for Enhancing Digital Access" award for its Bio Center data repository. In collaboration with Backbase, TPBank also won the "Best Cross-Channel Digital Experience Solution" award at the Digital CX Awards 2024, organized by The Digital Banker magazine.

A series of prestigious awards and titles not only recognize TPBank's efforts in applying technology and accelerating the digitization of processes from the ground up, but also strongly affirm its excellence in delivering effective digital financial products. TPBank continues to lead and shape the development and new directions of the banking and financial sector, driving the digital economy transformation in Vietnam.

TPBank's CEO, Mr. Nguyễn Hưng, shared: “With the customer at the center, we continuously innovate and creatively apply information technology to provide superior banking services on a diverse and interconnected digital ecosystem. Our goal is to accompany and offer customers personalized, practical, and optimized digital financial experiences.”

Pioneering technology, leading the experience

On the market, TPBank has made a strong impression with many outstanding digital financial products. Among them, LiveBank 24/7 is an automated banking system that integrates modern technology, meeting nearly 100% of customer financial service needs. It not only allows basic transactions but also provides more complex services.

TPBank has also pioneered breaking the stereotype that modern digital banking products are only suitable for young people or tech-savvy users. The bank launched a campaign to bring customers closer to digital banking, especially older customers. When visiting a branch, customers are introduced to and guided by staff on how to use LiveBank 24/7 to perform their banking needs without waiting at the counter. By using LiveBank 24/7, customers not only have more accessible transaction points with nearly 500 locations nationwide but also have the flexibility to conduct transactions anytime, as LiveBank 24/7 is always open.

In the market, the TPBank mobile app stands out with intelligent and creative features such as Nickname Account Opening, Facepay (payment via facial recognition), VoicePay (voice-activated money transfer), MeZone (customizable TPBank app interface), and ChatPay (money transfer just like chatting), providing a highly personalized and optimized user experience.

In addition, the app for business customers – TPBank Biz – is continuously improved by the bank, offering the best solutions for businesses, including a 24/7 virtual assistant that helps confirm payments and complete transactions quickly. The BizConnex digital ecosystem, with over 30 partners, provides customers with a full range of services, from top-ups and bill payments to e-wallet services.

Notably, with Bio Center – a biometric verification system and a “made-in-Vietnam” citizen data repository, TPBank supports quick and accurate eKYC (electronic Know Your Customer), allowing customers to register biometric data once and use it across all of the bank's channels. Leading the way in AI application and the development of biometric data repositories, TPBank also helps detect risks early and respond effectively to technological fraud schemes. These efforts not only contribute to building a biometric system within the financial and banking sector but also support the development of a sustainable digital economy.

In the trend of Open-API, TPBank has taken the lead in the industry. Since 2017, TPBank has been developing its digital ecosystem, ready to connect with partners. From the launch of its first API in 2019, until now, hundreds of partners have been connected to nearly 2,000 payment services through Open APIs, making TPBank a market leader in terms of the number of connections and service capabilities. Transactions via TPBank's API have increased by over 300% from 2022 to Q1 2024.

In the context of the ongoing digital transformation, with a clear digital strategy, a commitment to dedicated service, and continuous efforts to bring pioneering technological solutions, TPBank continues to maintain its strong position as a leading bank in the digital era.

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