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Theo ý thích, khẳng định cá tính
TPBank shines brightly
Pioneer in using technology as leverage, TPBank is one of the typical successful restructured banks, rising from the smallest scaled bank to top 4 private bank brands.
At the end of 2023, the total assets of TPBank (HOSE: TPB) will reach VND 356 trillion, up 8.5% compared to the end of 2022, with charter capital reaching over VND 22,000 billion. With 3.5 million new accounts opened, TPBank’s total number of customers served reaches 12 million customers. Notably, in just the past 3 years, with its comprehensive digital banking strategy, TPBank has attracted more than 8.6 million customers, doubling the total number of customers from the previous 12 years. This is a remarkable number reflecting TPBank’s rapid customer growth rate. In addition, the bank has recorded 10 consecutive years of asset growth.
Before establishing its current position, more than 10 years ago, TPBank went through a very difficult period when it was one of the weak credit institutions in 2011. Instead of choosing to merge like many other banks, TPBank underwent its own restructuring. In the journey of transformation, TPBank identified a separate direction, focusing on technology, with the center being digital banking.
Specifically, TPBank focuses on innovation in the financial sector, enhancing user experience. The bank also revolutionizes the process of handling documents, papers, and procedures for opening cards through technology devices such as 24/7 LiveBank or eCM, eliminating the need for paper documents.
Thanks to increased automation and application of advanced scientific technologies, TPBank has increased high efficiency in serving customers and created a unique mark of this bank.
Especially, TPBank also brings trendy products that are applied with the latest technologies after researching and understanding customers, most notably the TPBank Mobile application that customers love with features such as ChatPay, VoicePay… providing a different experience than the rest of the banking industry.
Mr. Nguyen Hung, CEO of TPBank, said: “By understanding customers, TPBank constantly innovates processes and applies new technologies in business operations to create solutions that meet the needs of people and society in the financial sector. The bank continuously creates, leads trends, and brings breakthrough products, providing excellent experiences for customers, breaking traditional barriers, making transactions more friendly and convenient, while still ensuring safety and security. The Purple Bank is continuing to lead the way into the era of innovation and digital creativity.”
Until now, it can be said that TPBank is an example of the success of digital transformation. From a young private bank, TPBank has been ranked in the top 4 private bank brands and has become a typical case of successful self-restructuring within the Vietnamese banking system.
As one of the leading banks in Vietnam, leading the digitization with modern financial products and services on advanced technology platforms to contribute to building a prosperous country, TPBank has been spreading the spirit of “Pioneering dare, breakthrough”. In 2023, despite market difficulties, TPBank continues to experience rapid growth, leading innovation, creating breakthrough products, revolutionizing processes, enhancing user experience, and ranking among the top rankings. With their pioneering and breakthrough effort, similar to the message of DARE TO PASSION - DARE TO SHINE of WeChoice Awards in 2023, TPBank is one of the businesses nominated for the “Outstanding Rising Company” category. |