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Với Thẻ TPBank Visa

Theo ý thích, khẳng định cá tính
97% of TPBanker confirms that they will continue to stick with TPBank for many years
With outstanding results in a survey to assess employee engagement with the working environment, TPBank was honored by HR Asia as "Best Place to Work". This is the second time TPBank is honored to receive this award.
Last week, HR Aisa just announced the results of an independent assessment survey conducted on 46,270 employees from 622 businesses in Vietnam. According to the recorded results, 97% of TPBanker confirmed that they would continue to stick with TPBank for the next many years, 95% of employees felt that they were recognized worthy of their contributions, and wanted to introduce TPBank to friends like a great place to work. TPBank is also highly appreciated by employees for its flexibility in work arrangement, understanding and listening by the Board of Directors, and a friendly and cooperative working environment. Not only that, all of TPBank's evaluation scores are higher than the average of the whole market.
The award is carefully evaluated through many different angles to survey the satisfaction level of employees with their workplace, based on six major expenditures: Heart – Emotional Engagement, Mind– Thoughts and Motivation, Soul – Beliefs and Attitudes; Think – Collective Awareness, Feel – Emotion in the workplace and Do – Act as a team. This model gives an overall and complete view, not only at the level of engagement of an individual employee, but also how each team or department is connected to each other in different situations. The engagement and satisfaction with the workplace will depend on the initiative and leadership of the company they work for.
A representative of TPBank's Board of Directors shared: “At TPBank, employees are the bank's valuable assets. We appreciate the contribution and efforts of each employee and design a program to recognize labor productivity, specifically assess the level of contribution in each individual's work, so that employees always recognized in his work. The working environment is also a matter of great concern. We always try and work hard to make our employees feel like they are doing a great and meaningful job instead of a boring balance job.”
The emergence of Covid - 19 with complicated and unpredictable developments, and the way to deal with the epidemic has proven that TPBank considers its employees to be the most valuable asset. TBBank has proactively and flexibly applied all possible measures such as: urgently vaccinating against Covid, applying the form of working from home... At the same time, applying technology and decentralizing employees more to maintain connecting employees working from home with groups working in the office or in concentrated isolation; advise employees to take the initiative to stay healthy, give advice at work and support measures to overcome Covid-19. Besides, TPBank still focuses on ensuring the development and enhancing the value of the bank's staff; 1,235 e-learning classes are held regularly and continuously. As a result, all TPBanker are safe through the epidemic and TPBank has successfully completed the business plan for 2020-2021.
TPBank representative emphasized: “Strong career future; enthusiastic and experienced leaders; co-workers sharing, open and friendly; A modern and professional working environment... are what TPBank wishes to bring to all employees. Human values are always the core values that we aim for, understand and act for the goal.”
HR Asia is Asia's largest publication for senior HR professionals with over 50,000 copies per issue and over 200,000 readers. HR Asia - Asia's Best Place to Work is an awards program held annually to recognize and honor businesses with outstanding working environments in Asia. The award is present in 15 markets across the region with more than 400,000 annual surveys to measure employee engagement with the work environment.
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