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Digital Document – Superior & Secure for Businesses on TPBank Biz


The new version of Digital Banking for Business TPBank Biz has just launched many outstanding and unique features, especially the Digital Document feature. With Digital Document, Enterprises can send and receive online credit transaction records anytime, anywhere, right on TPBank Biz Digital Bank without going to the counter. As a result, businesses will save time & costs in the context of macroeconomic market fluctuations in prices.

- Digital Document help businesses save time and operating costs

  • Specifically, as usual when there was a need to borrow capital, issue a guarantee and open a LC, the enterprise needs to prepare a written request, wait for approval, and send it to the bank. This leads to a time delay of 5 to 8 hours, even 2-3 days, if the authorized person on a business trip or delivery has not yet arrived. Therefore, with the feature of sending and receiving documents on TPBank Biz, businesses will be optimized for the following benefits:

- Sign documents with just 3 simple steps: Fill information, Upload files and browse online right on the screen of TPBank Biz without printing the hard copy documents.

- The reviewer only signs once for all documents at the same time instead of signing each profile individually to help optimize processing time.

- The platform allows uploading each file up to 10MB and is not limited in size.

- No need to add original documents for transactions, helping businesses save printing and delivery costs.

- Records are stored right on TPBank Biz with the record query section for up to 10 years without the need to lose resources to organize and save hard copy files.

- Simple transaction, easy to operate: Taking the experience of the Enterprise as a measure for the applicability of the product, the Digital Document feature is completed with the following advantages:

  • Friendly interface, convenient for businesses to push previously scanned files and switch users to sign easily and quickly.
  • When you need to review the completed records, businesses can completely choose to download and store files easily.

- High standard security infrastructure.

  • With technology infrastructure with high security standards, Enterprises can completely send and receive files with many file types such as PDF, WORD, EXCEL, super-fast processing time because the file is transmitted directly to the bank. Without going through an intermediary system should ensure the integrity and security of the data.

Click to experience the Digital Document feature right on the TPBank Biz App, to enjoy the pioneering utilities for businesses.

For any questions, please contact Hotline 19006036/1900 585885 or Customer Service Specialist for support.

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