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Theo ý thích, khẳng định cá tính
Shareholder structure
Established in 2008, Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank (TPBank) inherits the strength from shareholders at home and abroad including DOJI Gold & Gems Group, FPT Corporation, Vietnam National Reinsurance Corporation (Vinare), SBI Ven Holdings Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), International Finance Corporation - IFC (a member of World Bank Group) and PYN Elite Fund (Non-Ucits), aspiring to become a transparent, efficient and sustainable financial institution that brings the best benefits for shareholders and customers.
DOJI Gold & Gems Group has joined since the bank restructuring in 2012, accompanied and actively supported in human and material resources for the development of TPBank. DOJI ranked in the Top 5/500 largest private enterprises in Vietnam for 11 consecutive years (from 2010 to 2020), of which 3 consecutive years 2012, 2013, 2014 ranked 1st. Currently, DOJI ranks 18th among 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam.
FPT Corporation is a founding shareholder, and plays an important role in supporting technology and experience to exploit the best banking technology. TPBank's customers also enjoy many privileges through this relationship with FPT’s other members of the group.
Vietnam National Reinsurance Corporation (Vinare) greatly supports TPBank with financial potential and system-wide partnership, experience and expertise in the field of financial management.
SBI Ven Holdings Pte. Ltd. is headquartered in Singapore, operating in investment banking, financial services, asset management and real estate. SBI Ven Holdings Pte. Ltd. is a member of SBI Group, one of the largest financial groups in Japan.
International Finance Corporation (IFC) is an international financial institution providing investment and consulting services, and is a partner not only in financial support but also in technical expertise and experience for the Bank.
PYN Elite Fund (Non-Ucits), established by PYN Fund Management (Finland), is an investment fund targeting markets in Asia, including Vietnam. The investment strategy of the fund is a long-term strategy, always trusting and supporting all business activities of TPBank.